⇚  North Devon UK 
Warning For Humanity
The New Normal
George Orwell's Animal Farm
Real Cause Of Covid-19
Dr Charles Hoffe
Nuremberg 2
The Covid19 Genocide Of 2020
Dr Mike Yeadon
Vax Passport Co's Horrifying History
A Few Questions
Better Together
Covid 19 Information Leaflets To Print
MONOPOLY - Who owns the world?
Nurse Not Suitable .... ??
Dr Mike Yeadon. One minute to midnight
The Daz Band. We Are The 99
W.H.O. Whistleblower: Depopulation ...
Watch vaccine nanobots kill
NHS Health System Experience
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
Killing Children In Dombass
BRAVE NHS doctor
Vladimir Putin in his own words
Volhynia-43. Genocide for 'Glory to Ukraine'.
Johnny's Cash and The Smart Money Nightmare
Teach The World To Sing
Gadafi and his rules
UK plotted destruction of Crimean bridge
Clip from Matt Le Tissier interview with Funeral Director John O'Looney
Young Girls 'sacrificed on the altar of mass migration'
It Is Not Fair
Failure to Check If Covid Jabs Cause Death ...
Geo Engineering
Fight For You
An Army Behind You
Until Proven Otherwise.
Fiona Rose Diamond.

Fiona Rose Diamond

Please watch and listen if you have time. I don't regularly do videos or lives anymore but I think I have an important message to send. We have come such a long way; to get to the level of mass non compliance we need we NEED to continue to raise mass awareness in our communities and on the streets... yes, at protests and rallies. It's my opinion we all need to stop propagating the hate and division both within the movement and with the masses. Because we NEED the masses and we NEED the public if we are to win. So please, stop propagating the hate and division, stop liking, sharing and listening to divisive commentary from self appointed critics who throw accusations and lies about people taking action! You might not agree with everything somebody does, we are all learning along the way and may make mistakes but switch off the negativity as you would BBC news! Maintain your humanity, your compassion and your empathy because you're going to need it for whatever happens next if we are ever to win! Unity and Victory are synonymous so please, unite on the streets on the 23rd September for World Wide Demonstration at various locations, I hope to see many of you in London demonstrating the mass non compliance we preach online and raising mass awareness in public!
Original video   on Telegram

Fiona Rose Diamond

Talks about Covid Vaccine Victim Awareness Month January 2023,
an initiative running throughout January 2023 to give a voice to the injured and bereaved.
Original video   website